Which Tools are the Best Value?
More tools than Bunnings
When we arrived there was a selection of tools laid out on the table that was bigger than the display in Bunnings!
Jeff Kenny had brought nearly every drill that was available today! and then proceeded to describe the different
type and voltages available.
He said we should be more aware of what we need the drill for, as the largest and best was often the most expensive and heaviest, when most holes being drilled were smaller than 6mm diameter.
He talked about how critical it was to be aware of its weight and battery size if we were drilling above our head or in a hard-to-reach position.
Aside from the price, Ozito’s biggest advantage was its warranty. If less than five years old when they fail, they are usually replaced with a new one straight away; in store, not sent away to be repaired.
You need to consider the size of the battery, if it’s not going to be used all day, then consider a smaller size that would not only be cheaper to buy but also to replace.
We learned that the top of the range Milwaulkee was $200 and very light, but a similar Ozito was available for $49.
Tricks we learned.
Try out the trigger method, by releasing it with a stop/start motion, this would give us far better control over the speed and depth of our driving or drilling.
Do not let the battery get hot. Working the drill hard or continuously will dramatically shorten the life of your batteries, it is far better to have two smaller ones and change them regularly.
Jeff showed us the 12Volt range that was suitable for kids as it was smaller and easy to hold, he asked us to consider if we needed the drill to be brushless or have a hammer feature, both of which added to the cost for something you may not need.
We then looked at impact drivers, which again were not essential unless you were doing a lot of work and needed the extra driving power.
He showed us the right-angled drive drill that was excellent in confined spaces, then a detailed talk about the benefits of the cordless trimmers or mini routers, he even demonstrated how, by just a push of the button, the base could be easily removed 😊.
All the drills on the table were there to be played with, to see what felt just right for you.
With every selection brought up on the big screen, together with its best price, Jeff gave us a full and comprehensive discussion of what is currently available.
With such a huge range of tools on show you must have found something for your Christmas list!
A short break for coffee and tea and even a piece of Christmas cake, thanks to Peter.
Getting to know our members.
Steve Harris - My Voyage to Western Australia
Steve told us about his journey from a 16-year-old joining the Navy in the UK through to becoming a Master Mariner, a career that took him around the world and eventually to WA.