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Previous Events

Simple Toy


Carolyn and I confirmed that our AGM will be held in September and that as we had both been working as President and secretary for the past four years, it was time for some new ideas and to let someone else take on those roles. We would not be retiring from the committee, just not standing for re-election in those positions.

Inlay Sample

We recently ran our first intermediate veneering workshop at Ian Houghton’s in Mt Lawley.

With six participants of varying skill levels, Ian started by explaining the different techniques that he is presently using on his projects, including how to stain your own veneers and which method will achieve the best results.

Project Repairs

It is always enjoyable when we have a joint meeting with Lake Monger Community Shed, I think it is the different group of people and venue that all adds up to a vibrant atmosphere where everyone wants to learn something new.

Shaker Boxes

Well, I was not sure how our workshop was going to go, would everyone finish it all on the first day or would we still have homework to complete on day two?

In the end it worked out quite well, with just the right amount of time for refreshments at the end of the day.

Friday 19th April

Edward talking on Mental Health
Last year's FWWA Out of the Woods winner, and Mental Health discussion.
Two Tensegrity Tables
Mark and Laurie showed us their tensegrity tables and the learning experiences they had making them.
Box Lid with Poppy Inlay
A warm late summer morning saw 27 people come together to hear our talk on stringing and inlays
Kevin Showing Hand Sanders
We gathered to hear three different woodworkers thoughts on their favourite tools
Some of the Toys Donated

Toys for Children Report

Decorative Turning
Out of the Woods Competition 2023 had loads of fantastic entries this year.