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April Meeting


This month’s meeting promises to be an enlightening one.

OOTW Members Competition Winner

Barry will take us through the process of making his winning cutting board from OOTW 2023 “Fish in Moonlight Creek”.

Mental Health Untangled.

RUOK? As well as you could be? Are you sure? Can you tell?

Men in particular don’t talk face to face, they talk shoulder to shoulder. So says the Australian Men’s Shed Association, who bring people with joint interests together to enhance wellbeing, combat loneliness and improve mental health. They are right. This is why they and associations like FWWA are flourishing world-wide. FWWA is considering a partnership with a community (not a men’s) shed (because women are equally important!). So is part of the role of FWWA in our community perhaps broader than just fine craftmanship? 

Do men, and women, face greater risks of health problems as they age? And what can you do about it if this is the case? How can mental health problems be recognised in yourself and in others, and how can you help yourself and others through these issues?

It is part of our fortune (or not) that among our numbers are people from many backgrounds and professions, and this includes a few a health professionals. One, Edward Petch rashly volunteered to the committee (for want of something to contribute) to give this talk. In his spare time, he is a forensic psychiatrist, and can answer these questions above and many others (but perhaps not why he is like he is). He will give us a talk on mental health, ill health, how to recognise it, what to do, what not to do, and hopefully untangle myths and any misunderstandings there may be and unravel this increasingly important and challenging subject for many of us, and hopefully also entertain us while he is doing it. 

Melville Wood Turners

Morris Buzzacott Reserve
51 Williamson Rd
Kardinya WA 6163

As usual do not forget to bring your own cup!

This meeting will be held on Monday 8th April 2024, at the Melville Wood Turners in Kardinya. The meeting will start at 7:00PM and conclude at 9:00PM with the venue available from 6:30PM.