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Previous Events

Some Toys for Donation
We gathered to celebrate Christmas and the year that was.
Jeff showing more tools
Jeff Kenney presented a thought provoking talk on what tools were best in some situations. Depending on your needs, we discussed whether simple Ozito brand may suit more than you first think, whereas for other needs, different brands may be more appropriate.
The Gentle Art of Kumiko
Annual Tools Timer and Techniques Event
Vacuum Bag
Toys for Charities, Jewelry Boxes, and Vacuum Bags
Finished Guitar Photography
Lou Sigragusa entertained us all with his presentation on making his beautiful 21 string Harp Guitar on Monday night.
Timbecon Logo
Dane and the team opened Timbecon for our members, we found out about the latest fixtures and fittings for making jigs and dreamed of owning a Mirka sander. We also had plenty of time to check out the rest of the store and purchase anything we needed.
Gilly's Established 1983
Alice and Culver came along to show us their range of Australian made waxes and polishes.
Sharpening Veritas
Three different approaches to scary sharp tools. Best tools from Japan.

On a cold wet day in May we had been invited to visit Ebonisto’s Cabinet works in Myaree, and something like 26 of our members braved the rain to have a look and see what they made.

View of meeting venue and workshop.
We were lucky to be given early access to the new building to run a test meeting and look for any issues that need ironing out before the official opening later this month.